Board Election


Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting

Every owner is eligible to vote.

You can vote in-person or online. Owners who wish to vote in-person may do so in store.
Owner number will be required to validate your vote.

Online Voting Instructions

Be on the lookout for an email (around September 21) from Simply Voting with instructions about how to vote in our Board of Directors election.

Voting opens by electronic ballot at 8:00 AM on Saturday, September 23.  Voting will remain open until 12:00 PM on Friday, October 6.  Simply Voting Inc. has been hired as the independent third-party election provider.  If you are unable to vote online, you may also vote in-person at the store, beginning September 23rd.


Brandi Adelmann

Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food Co-op?
I have been a Just Food member/owner for 9 years, and I love shopping at the Cooperative. I would enjoy serving on the board to strengthen the connection to the community and build the membership.

What other experience(s) do you have that could contribute to the Board’s work and the mission of Just Food Co-op?
I served on a local figure skating club board (2-5 years), have 16 years of Human Resource experience (policy, procedure, employee benefits, etc.), and 8 years of local Energy Cooperative experience (board meetings, annual meetings, governance) as a leadership team member.

What is something you’d like to see the Just Food Co-op Board of Directors focus on in the next five years?
I would love to help grow membership, align membership needs to selection, and see Just Food become the grocery partner of choice for Northfield and the surrounding communities!

Amber Showalter

Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food Co-op?
I would like an opportunity to get involved in the community. I believe having the co-op in Northfield is an important piece to that.

What other experience(s) do you have that could contribute to the Board’s work and the mission of Just Food Co-op?
I have my Masters degree in counseling and am a private practice owner.

What is something you’d like to see the Just Food Co-op Board of Directors focus on in the next five years?
I would love to see more access to food for lower income families.

Brenda Kragseth

Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food Co-op?
My family became involved in the Co-op movement in the late 1970’s. I remember going to Famine Foods Co-op in Winona, back when they still had the wood stove for heat and grabbing a handful of carob-covered raisins to munch on while we filled our jars and bags with food. Later at the 33rd street and Bryant Ave Co-op in Minneapolis I would work, cutting cheese, cleaning, and laying out produce for our share. As a young adult, access to organic food was primarily from Seward Co-op and The Wedge. Now that organic foods are more easily accessible in grocery chain stores, I think it is important to support food cooperatives. Just as food cooperatives were an alternative to industrial processed food in the beginning, now they can be a place to build resilient communities. All who shop at Just Food Co-op are helping to mitigate climate change by purchasing locally sourced food, financially supporting local farmers, and increasing the health and wellbeing of our community. I want to go from being a consumer to a more involved supporter of Just Foods Co-op and that is why I want to be on the board.

What other experience(s) do you have that could contribute to the Board’s work and the mission of Just Food Co-op?
I am currently the IT Helpdesk Manager at St. Olaf College. I have a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Minnesota, and served on the Northfield Public Schools District Educational Program Advisory Council (DEPAC) (2011-2015). I also served on the Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) Leadership Group in 2015/2016. Finally, I am a member of a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

What is something you’d like to see the Just Food Co-op Board of Directors focus on in the next five years?
Outreach to underserved communities in Northfield and the surrounding area and continuing partnership with local farmers and sustainability are two important topics at the top of my mind!

Page Nelson

Why would you like to serve on the Just Food Board of Directors?
I am currently in my fourth year as a Director on the Just Food Board and would love to continue doing this work. I am passionate about Just Food’s role in our community as a leader in supporting the local foodshed, offering healthy food options, and providing a desirable workplace.

What other experience(s) do you have that could contribute to the Board’s work and the mission of Just Food Co-op?
I have worked for small-scale organic farms off and on for the last 13 years and have seen first hand how important these operations are for the health of the people and the land, as well as how co-ops can work with farmers to increase access to healthy, sustainably produced food. I worked in the produce department at Just Food on every level for seven years leading up to expansion; my time on the operations side of the co-op informs my understanding of the co-op’s financials, growth, and community connections.The three and a half years I have served on the board of Just Food have increased my understanding of the board’s role at the co-op as one of envisioning next steps for the store, designing the Ends, trusting and monitoring the GM to guide the store towards those Ends, and nurturing communication to and from the membership. I served on the Board during the significant challenges of expansion, the pandemic, and leadership transition. These experiences have informed my work on the board immensely.

What is something you’d like to see the Just Food Co-op Board of Directors focus on in the next five years?
I hope to see the co-op provide a competitive livable wage and grow its sustainability initiatives and its partnerships with local producers.



Make a one-time investment of $125 for a long-time commitment to a healthier and more sustainable community.



Any Co-op member in good standing can become a candidate to serve on the Just Food Board of Directors